Friday, June 18, 2010

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Cisco Clears Apple to Use 'iOS' Brand

Apple Computer Inc. changed its name to the name of its iPhone operating system simplifies IOS, Cisco seems to trademark infringement.
However, Cisco, it uses the "internal oversight office," the term to describe its operating system to run most of its routers and switches, said it has been authorized to use Apple's term.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced that Apple released at its Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco speech of iOS4 operating system. In the announcement - its shows in previous next-generation iPhone release iPhone OS4 and then leaked to the Gizmodo Jobs said the mobile phone operating systems has been shortened to "iOS4" the.
IOS runs on Cisco routers, the vast majority, Apple is said to set the mark conflict. Instead, Cisco said in a statement, the company has licensed to Apple word.
"Cisco has agreed to license Apple's operating system as the iPhone, iPod touch and ipad company," Cisco spokesman for the name of the Apple trademark to use the internal oversight office said in a statement. "License, and not just any technology. The use of the mark"
Apple has been down this road before, in January of this year, Fujitsu said it owned the rights ipad company name. But in March, Apple won marks, but the terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

Trying this! Flac to Mp3 Converter!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Adobe reports 'critical' flaw in Flash, Acrobat

Adobe has released on the "critical" of the Flash Player and Adobe Reader and Acrobat products, it can allow hackers that the vulnerability of people's computer-controlled security bulletin.
The company said 29 of the evening, in fact, have been used for bug reports and official patches not yet available.
Affected software includes:
The Adobe Flash Player,9.0.262, and early 10.0.x and 9.0.x on Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Solaris version
Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.3.2 and Windows, Macintosh and Unix in the early version 9.x
The company said that Flash Player 10.1 version of the candidates do not seem to be fragile, Adobe Reader and Acrobat 8.x confirmation will not be affected.
Adobe did not say when the official will be released, but according to the company, computer users can download the flash release candidate to reduce the problem. Acrobat and Reader of the problems can be solved, "delete, rename, or delete access authplay.dll file", as these products ship, Adobe said. This will, however, lead to nonexploitable crash or error message if the user opens a PDF file containing SWF content. Of. dll file is usually located in C: \ Program Files files \ Adobe \ Reader 9.0 \ Reader \ authplay.dll of Adobe Reader, or C: \ Program Files files \ Adobe \ Acrobat 9.0 \ Acrobat \ as acrobats authplay. dll, Adobe said.

Convert Mp4 to Mp3?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Verizon's V CAST video added to the Android mobile phone

Verizon Inc. on Monday announced that it has increased the VCAST video content, its product line Android smart phone, Motorola Droid and swallow, Eris and the unbelievable macro Dade Lloyd, and LGAlly.
Streaming video content, including such as the World Cup (in Spain from Univision), and live sports TV programming, including NBC, Fox, channel events, CBS's MTV, Nickelodeon and Comedy Central's.
Multicast technology can be directly downloaded from the Internet, Android market, the Android phone all Verizon. The service fee is 10 yuan a month at the top of the standard smartphone data plan.

How to convert mp4 to mp3?

Friday, June 11, 2010

Flashy Army recruitment center in Pa. mall closing

Army is closing a gorgeous, high-tech information and shopping centers recruiting center, saying it was a successful marketing test, even if it attract as many potential soldiers and the video game enthusiasts protesters.
Army Experience Center will be closed, after nearly two years, the Franklin Mills Mall in Philadelphia on July 31, military officials said Thursday.
"This is a great success," said Army spokesman Brian Lepley. "Basically it's mission accomplished."
12 million U.S. dollars Centre in August 2008 with the interactive video display, nearly 80 video game stations, a copy of the command and control center, conference rooms, and Black Hawk helicopters and Hummers combat simulator.
Since then, the center has received about 40,000 visitors and 236 recruits, Lepley said.
It was also repeated protests against those who said the Army's first-person shooter video game violence and use of desensitization in the military to attract tourists to teens. Anyone over 13 can play the game, although most of the graphics only limited to those over 18.
Lepley said the decision has nothing to do demonstrations to close the center, but activists Yilaienbu Raul, Staten Island, New York, said she was happy. She was particularly annoyed by the location of the center of the mall, between the skateboard park, small commodity market.
"We really think this is a major victory for us," Brower said. "We are pleased that they will not be in the mall."
As has been settled for more than a recruiting station, the center's purpose is to teach any curiosity about military shopping.
Officials initially said that it may promote other areas of the country. However, due to a recession and rising unemployment, increasing the number of applications, the army began to decrease in marketing spending.
However, the Army Experience Center provides information on how to connect one generation to obtain valuable information from computers and mobile devices, Lepley said.
Touch screen kiosks, display of GPS military posts and a "professional pilot" show the work of service and salary to prove popular, it may be in the recruiting stations and ROTC schools, Lepley said use.
"We can not just print the brochure," he said.
Army has shut down five units of traditional recruitment center, which opened. It is planning to open a more modern recruiting office in nearby Levittown and Northeast Philadelphia, a pair of Lieutenant Colonel Chris said.
The office will find some of the elements in the Experience Center, including the game station and a more relaxed informal atmosphere of the seat, rather than old-fashioned desk with a chair on either side of Belcher said.

How to convert mp4 to mp3?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Final act for Marshfield Movie Gallery

Julia Doud and Mandi McLean started work in April Marshfield Movie Gallery. Just two months later, are looking for the Spur Drive store ready to close the new employment opportunities.

Dodd, store manager, said employees of couples have been proposed. 6 people like MacLean, is busy with movies and games rental business before the reorganization of the shelf to leave and never come back.

Movie Gallery employees Mandy McLean restocks film case Friday, June 4, as the store prepared to close.
"We do not want it to look spotted the hole," McLean said she put DVD movie on the rack along the back wall of the case. All the movies and games is 25 to 40 percent lower.

Movie Gallery announced in February, more than its stores will be closed this 700 years, Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection results.

"The reorganization will include the immediate liquidation of the United States and about 760 stores," including films Gallery, Hollywood Video and Game Crazy stores, according to a press release on the movie site gallery.

After these preliminary stores close, the company's 1,906 stores in the United States, including 1,111 movies galleries, 545 and 250 Hollywood video game crazy location. The company expects to end the process in Chapter 11 for more stores.

Dodd said she does not have a precise date has been the closure of local shops. In the meantime, everything, including storage devices, you can sell. A lease, "" sign hanging in front of the window.

Customers not in the imminent closure of the happy, Dodd said. "This is the only video store Marshfield."

Cris Arnold, Germany, 20, a first-person shooter sports and frequent tenant, said he was "very destruction" when he saw the "going global" business sign in front of the building.

"I think I must be on the Netflix Internet now," Arnold said he looks through the sale of the gaming device.

The announcement comes as little surprise movie gallery analyst or end user. The one from Netflix, Redbox and even YouTube, the video rental chain, competition is becoming an outdated business model and inconvenience.

Redbox in the past 10 years has not been explosive headache remedy rental chain. According to its website, Redbox has almost 25,000 in 2002 from 12 stores today.

In Marshfield, there are 3 Redbox machine.


Redbox is just one of many daggers of the chain. Netflix, the popular DVD services provide families, now has more than one thousand three hundred million users, according to the site. Stay at home, from start to finish in the leasing process is the basis for its success easy.

As new technology rental services flourish, the film gallery soon flounder. The world's second-largest rental chain, filed for bankruptcy in 2007 for the first time, but can be restored.

This time, its future is more uncertain. Movie Gallery filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy from Chapter 7 is different, because it shows the intention of restructuring, not going out of business.

But obviously out of their store and inventory evidence that, if the inside does not happen again, it will be a much smaller scale.

Blockbuster company leaves bankruptcy, the largest rental chain, as the only survivor. However, despite the continued existence of Blockbuster, leasing giant is far from clear. Stock prices continued to fall, down 35 cents. By contrast, last year early in October, the Internet offers to take off, when its shares trading at 20 yuan.

On the part of Blockbuster's longevity came to join their acceptance, if you can not beat them. The company provides on-demand services over the years, combined with the type of Netflix service and additional benefits to local shops. The program is a relative success - Blockbuster is still in existence - but its financial situation look grim. According to the first quarter figures, after the company's net loss of 65.4 million U.S. dollars, compared with first quarter 2009 net income of 27.7 million U.S. dollars. With the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's narrative recent application, the company reported that bankruptcy is a real possibility.

Not available Movie Gallery Inc. family services, in light of competition and an uncertain economy, it fails to remain solvent.

Nixa Movie Gallery manager Kelisibo Wagner said the store to give advance notice of closure, but some additional details. Similarly, the Marshfield store closing date is not firm, Dodd said.

"I'm not too worried about losing my job very excited," McClain, 18, said. "And, Marshfield need a movie store."

Convert Mp4 to Mp3!!

Google tackles VP8 video quality question

Monday, June 7, 2010

Microsoft conference being held in New Orleans showcases technology

About 10,000 information technology professionals and software developers from all over the country are flocking to the Ernest Morial Convention Center this week as part of Microsoft's 2010 Tech Ed North America conference. The event will showcase the latest Microsoft software, with a special focus on "cloud computing."
"We are in the cloud computing industry and the tip of a major change," said keynote speaker Bob, president of Server and Tools Business at the high-tech giant. "We look forward to with your mobile into the cloud."
Cloud computing is an emerging standard, so that information is stored, and the demand for Internet access, rather than the local server hosting. Bob said that cloud computing can be carried out using Microsoft's Azure platform, the future of the enterprise, as it reduces costs, increase processing power and storage capacity to create and use applications easier and more efficient.
Bob showed the Chicago Tribune and the picture film production team video from the information technology workers Comments - Tribune said Azure and cloud computing workers significantly reduced the mobile space, effort and energy to keep their servers, and head technology Unit, said the technology has to enable them to organize, store and easy access to a huge amount of data required to create the film's huge computer-generated effects.
Bob called for a number of senior officials to prove that Microsoft's employment of cloud computing: Vision and Intellitrace, which allows developers and testers to accurately record when an error occurs Studio of new technology; communications server 14, which allows workers to communicate on the network by mail, phone and video chat and upload files between phone and Windows 7, which allows direct access to the cloud-based e-mail accounts and servers.
Other host computer provides the use of the power of the Astra. Laptop running the software contains millions of rows with the spreadsheet. Microsoft's annual charity auction twice as much money, it is held on the platform, because more requests can be processed. Muglia said that cloud computing and make the machine more effective and thus more environmentally friendly. "We can follow the cooling of a container garden hose 200 computers," he boasted.
Delivered a speech to kick off the convention will last until Thursday. Participants can listen to other speakers to provide more products and other highly technical issues - meeting in-depth tutorials are like "new IDE and language features in Microsoft Visual Studio 201 names use Visual Basic and C #" and "dynamic integration language for your business applications. "
The participants also practice and products - Experience with hundreds of computer presentation room, the establishment and filling capacities - and the officials of both companies, all participants of the leadership group meetings.
The event is a New Orleans style with some local color - Rock Dopsie, small and play Zydeco keynote speech before stepping in, along with the slides for the Zydeco and Jazz History. Participants are encouraged to visit the nearby restaurants and shops.
End of the meeting Thursday evening, after the closing carnival-style party.

Friday, June 4, 2010

AT&T Is To Feature iPhone 4G Handset

As the latest test version of the iPhone OS 4.0 revealed, AT & T's captivity will be the 4G technology, iPhone, upcoming features - sometimes listed in June.
From the bandgap reference, screenshots from the test report has been received, it is clearly shown in black and white captive in the AT & T is a solid new features of iPhone OS.
As you can see from the picture, AT & T companies require you to either ask them to support or visit their website set up the device in captivity.
The news is just three weeks after the AT & T claims, captive, once enabled will improve their performance of network operators.
Further information, please continue to pay attention, because we get it in captivity. The new Beta 4, provided only a few hours. This gives us your opinion.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Flash is Dying

Apple CEO Steve Jobs said recently, Adobe's Flash is "weakened" and "has its day." And the iPhone is selling in the iPad to dominate him, right?
"Sometimes you have to pick the things that look like the right horses to ride going forward," Jobs said, speaking at the D: All Things Digital conference in Rancho Pales Verdes, Calif., Tuesday night. "And Flash looks like a technology that had its day and is waning. And HTML 5 looks like the technology that is really on the ascendancy right now." With HTML 5 a similar technology, is a real advantage, it now appears." (Page 5 in the iPad technology, for example, instead of using the Flash video .)
Jobs went on to say: "We did not start with a flash of war. We just made a technical decision."
His argument is convincing end. "If the market tells us that we are doing the wrong choices, we listen to the market ... (but) to bring the best products, we can. If we are successful, they will buy them. If we do not, they do not will. So far, I have to say, people seem to likin iPad company. We have sold one every three seconds, because we introduced it. "
Better. But I do not think (I own both the iPhone and iPad companies). But Jobs could beat people, and if users start to miss less and less flash. It could happen.
Adobe facing the challenge of Steve Jobs' "technical decision" may actually bring Flash slowly disappear - at least, we know it today.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Apple Summary

The company's best-known hardware products include the Macintosh computers, iPod's, iPhone, and IPAD. As of January 2010, the company owns 284 retail stores and online stores in 10 countries.