Monday, June 7, 2010

Microsoft conference being held in New Orleans showcases technology

About 10,000 information technology professionals and software developers from all over the country are flocking to the Ernest Morial Convention Center this week as part of Microsoft's 2010 Tech Ed North America conference. The event will showcase the latest Microsoft software, with a special focus on "cloud computing."
"We are in the cloud computing industry and the tip of a major change," said keynote speaker Bob, president of Server and Tools Business at the high-tech giant. "We look forward to with your mobile into the cloud."
Cloud computing is an emerging standard, so that information is stored, and the demand for Internet access, rather than the local server hosting. Bob said that cloud computing can be carried out using Microsoft's Azure platform, the future of the enterprise, as it reduces costs, increase processing power and storage capacity to create and use applications easier and more efficient.
Bob showed the Chicago Tribune and the picture film production team video from the information technology workers Comments - Tribune said Azure and cloud computing workers significantly reduced the mobile space, effort and energy to keep their servers, and head technology Unit, said the technology has to enable them to organize, store and easy access to a huge amount of data required to create the film's huge computer-generated effects.
Bob called for a number of senior officials to prove that Microsoft's employment of cloud computing: Vision and Intellitrace, which allows developers and testers to accurately record when an error occurs Studio of new technology; communications server 14, which allows workers to communicate on the network by mail, phone and video chat and upload files between phone and Windows 7, which allows direct access to the cloud-based e-mail accounts and servers.
Other host computer provides the use of the power of the Astra. Laptop running the software contains millions of rows with the spreadsheet. Microsoft's annual charity auction twice as much money, it is held on the platform, because more requests can be processed. Muglia said that cloud computing and make the machine more effective and thus more environmentally friendly. "We can follow the cooling of a container garden hose 200 computers," he boasted.
Delivered a speech to kick off the convention will last until Thursday. Participants can listen to other speakers to provide more products and other highly technical issues - meeting in-depth tutorials are like "new IDE and language features in Microsoft Visual Studio 201 names use Visual Basic and C #" and "dynamic integration language for your business applications. "
The participants also practice and products - Experience with hundreds of computer presentation room, the establishment and filling capacities - and the officials of both companies, all participants of the leadership group meetings.
The event is a New Orleans style with some local color - Rock Dopsie, small and play Zydeco keynote speech before stepping in, along with the slides for the Zydeco and Jazz History. Participants are encouraged to visit the nearby restaurants and shops.
End of the meeting Thursday evening, after the closing carnival-style party.

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