Friday, June 4, 2010

AT&T Is To Feature iPhone 4G Handset

As the latest test version of the iPhone OS 4.0 revealed, AT & T's captivity will be the 4G technology, iPhone, upcoming features - sometimes listed in June.
From the bandgap reference, screenshots from the test report has been received, it is clearly shown in black and white captive in the AT & T is a solid new features of iPhone OS.
As you can see from the picture, AT & T companies require you to either ask them to support or visit their website set up the device in captivity.
The news is just three weeks after the AT & T claims, captive, once enabled will improve their performance of network operators.
Further information, please continue to pay attention, because we get it in captivity. The new Beta 4, provided only a few hours. This gives us your opinion.

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