Friday, June 11, 2010

Flashy Army recruitment center in Pa. mall closing

Army is closing a gorgeous, high-tech information and shopping centers recruiting center, saying it was a successful marketing test, even if it attract as many potential soldiers and the video game enthusiasts protesters.
Army Experience Center will be closed, after nearly two years, the Franklin Mills Mall in Philadelphia on July 31, military officials said Thursday.
"This is a great success," said Army spokesman Brian Lepley. "Basically it's mission accomplished."
12 million U.S. dollars Centre in August 2008 with the interactive video display, nearly 80 video game stations, a copy of the command and control center, conference rooms, and Black Hawk helicopters and Hummers combat simulator.
Since then, the center has received about 40,000 visitors and 236 recruits, Lepley said.
It was also repeated protests against those who said the Army's first-person shooter video game violence and use of desensitization in the military to attract tourists to teens. Anyone over 13 can play the game, although most of the graphics only limited to those over 18.
Lepley said the decision has nothing to do demonstrations to close the center, but activists Yilaienbu Raul, Staten Island, New York, said she was happy. She was particularly annoyed by the location of the center of the mall, between the skateboard park, small commodity market.
"We really think this is a major victory for us," Brower said. "We are pleased that they will not be in the mall."
As has been settled for more than a recruiting station, the center's purpose is to teach any curiosity about military shopping.
Officials initially said that it may promote other areas of the country. However, due to a recession and rising unemployment, increasing the number of applications, the army began to decrease in marketing spending.
However, the Army Experience Center provides information on how to connect one generation to obtain valuable information from computers and mobile devices, Lepley said.
Touch screen kiosks, display of GPS military posts and a "professional pilot" show the work of service and salary to prove popular, it may be in the recruiting stations and ROTC schools, Lepley said use.
"We can not just print the brochure," he said.
Army has shut down five units of traditional recruitment center, which opened. It is planning to open a more modern recruiting office in nearby Levittown and Northeast Philadelphia, a pair of Lieutenant Colonel Chris said.
The office will find some of the elements in the Experience Center, including the game station and a more relaxed informal atmosphere of the seat, rather than old-fashioned desk with a chair on either side of Belcher said.

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